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Epi #102. Parenting While Pregnant: Embracing Change and Finding Balance

cyclebreakers gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Mar 05, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #102. Parenting While Pregnant: Embracing Change and Finding Balance

Parenting While Pregnant: Embracing Change and Finding Balance


Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, and adding pregnancy into the mix introduces a whole new layer. 

Join me and my friend Michelle, known as the Conscious Hippie Momma, as we share our personal stories and insights on navigating the waters of parenting while pregnant. 

We'll go into how we managed to find joy and balance during this transformative time.

Embracing the New Normal:

Adjusting to life as a parent-to-be again means acknowledging that things will change. 

Michelle shares how her patience has wavered with the hormonal rollercoaster of her current pregnancy, teaching her the importance of self-compassion and the power of making amends. 

Meanwhile, my own journey with a twin pregnancy brought about a significant shift in household dynamics and roles, leading to feelings of guilt and sadness when I couldn't engage with my foster son as I used to. 

We both learned that it's okay to feel different, and it doesn't diminish our worth as parents.

The Lifesaver of Respectful Parenting:

For Michelle, her knowledge of peaceful parenting techniques has been a game-changer, helping her navigate moments of frustration without letting them define her day. 

My foundation in respectful parenting created a culture of mutual respect and communication with my older son, making the pregnancy journey smoother. 

Embracing these principles can pave the way for a more harmonious household, especially during such a transformative period.

If you are finding it hard to achieve that serenity due to overwhelming situations and constant battles with your kids, pregnancy can be a perfect time to acquire these valuable tools. 

This way, you're not just preparing for the new baby but also ensuring a peaceful atmosphere at home. 

Our free class offers the strategies you need to transition from frustration to tranquility in your parenting journey, introducing you to the Parenting With Understanding approach tailored to your family's needs. 

CLICK HERE to sign up now

Listening to Your Own Needs:

The often overlooked aspect of pregnancy is the mother's well-being. 

Michelle emphasizes self-care, from exercising to delegating housework, as a cornerstone of her pregnancy journey. 

My experience on bed rest without the luxury of hired help taught me the importance of lowering expectations and leaning on my support system. 

It's crucial to ask for and accept help, recognizing that everyone's support network looks different.


Our stories highlight the importance of adapting, practicing self-compassion, and maintaining respectful parenting principles during pregnancy. 

For more insights and personal anecdotes on how we managed to parent our older children while navigating pregnancy, tune into the latest Parenting With Understanding podcast episode. 

And remember to follow Michelle, the Conscious Hippie Momma, for more inspiration.

Enjoy the show?