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Epi #100. How This Mom Healed Her Inner Child and Raised Emotionally Healthy Children

cyclebreakers epi100 gentle parenting marcela collier parenting-with-understanding podcast shownotes spotlight Feb 20, 2024
HIC Parenting Education
Epi #100. How This Mom Healed Her Inner Child and Raised Emotionally Healthy Children

How This Mom Healed Her Inner Child and Raised Emotionally Healthy Children 


Aspiring for emotionally resilient children who don't bear the weight of our past traumas is a noble goal for any parent. 

It's with this vision in mind that I share Susan's transformative journey with HIC Parenting. Her story, rich with growth and healing, may spark the motivation you need to embark on your own path of inner child healing, ultimately leading to a peaceful parenting experience.

Discovering the Roots: 

Susan's narrative begins with gratitude towards her immigrant parents, acknowledging their sacrifices for a better future. 

Despite the love and dedication, Susan recognized unmet emotional needs and rigid expectations shaped her into a perfectionist. 

This deeply ingrained fear of failure, a shadow from her past, remained dormant until motherhood unveiled its profound impacts. 

The chaos of raising kids highlighted her struggle with perfectionism, driving her towards overwhelming frustration and unintended outbursts towards her children. 

Recognizing the need for change, Susan sought more than just temporary fixes; she sought transformation through HIC Parenting's tailored coaching.

A Moment of Clarity:  

Susan's journey through our coaching program initially aimed to curb her yelling and foster better communication with her children. 

However, the true revelation came when she identified the root of her turmoil: an unhealed inner child governing her reactions with unrealistic expectations. 

This epiphany shifted her focus inward, sparking a pivotal change in her approach to parenting and self-awareness.

Transformation Unfolds:  

With newfound insight, Susan began to challenge her rigid standards, gradually adopting flexibility and understanding in her parenting style. 

This shift not only alleviated her internal strife but significantly enhanced her relationship with her children, fostering an environment of curiosity, connection, and mutual respect. 

Her transformation extended to her marriage, enabling a united front in navigating parenting challenges with compassion and teamwork.

The Healing Continues:  

Today, Susan revels in the liberation from her burdens, celebrating a profound connection with her children and a harmonious family dynamic.

Her journey underscores the power of addressing our inner wounds to cultivate a nurturing, understanding, and emotionally healthy upbringing for our children.

Your Path to Healing:

If Susan's story resonates with you, sparking a desire to heal your inner child and embrace peaceful parenting, I invite you to take the first step. 

Schedule your Free Parenting Assessment Call with HIC Parenting.

CLICK HERE to book your Free Parenting Assessment call

Together, we'll explore your unique challenges and aspirations, crafting a personalized roadmap toward becoming the parent you've always envisioned. 

Embrace this opportunity to transform your parenting journey and foster a loving, understanding relationship with your children.

Listen and Learn:

For a deeper dive into Susan's story and more insights on healing the inner child for peaceful parenting, tune into this week's episode of the Parenting With Understanding Podcast. 

Embark on this journey towards emotional resilience and profound family connections.

Enjoy the show?